Educated Englishman, sympathetic and divorced

Educated Englishman, sympathetic and divorced

Сообщение oeelmes » 12 окт 2013, 22:23

Educated Englishman, sympathetic and divorced (d/blonde hair, blue eyes, NS/ Non Alcohol). Seeks: good hearted European woman about 40/45. To live with him permanently in period house in Kent. Non academic, womanly figure, nice looking (not a film star), no tattoos or metal piercings.
01797 321302
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Зарегистрирован: 12 окт 2013, 14:41

Re: Educated Englishman, sympathetic and divorced

Сообщение Jim » 03 янв 2014, 18:53

Here another link to ajacent web site, to increase your chances to find person you are looking for.

Place an advert there. There much more viewings and communication options.
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